Debbie Jenae
Survivor, advocate, author, speaker,
Master Certified Graphoanalyst
Do you feel stuck? Do you find yourself repeating the same patterns and getting the same results? Are you trying something new only to find it's just not working?
I have been encouraging others for quite some time. It's what I do with handwriting analysis, my writing, and my speaking.
I believe we all have what it takes to live a life fulfilled but sometimes we get stuck. Sometimes we know what's causing the problem but don't want to look deeper or just don't know how to get out. Sometimes we have no idea yet are afraid that if we stop and look, we just might be overwhelmed.
In my experience, fear works to protect us from harm — which is good — but if allowed to work overtime, to take over, then it prevents us from feeling the joy we long to experience.
I am not a counselor. I have no formal training in psychology. My suggestions are based on my study and experience as a child abuse survivor, in trauma recovery, child advocacy, energy medicine, and handwriting analysis. I will work with you to determine what is getting in the way and offer insight and tools to get you moving.
I have been fascinated with human behavior and potential all my life. I know you can overcome the challenges you face. Contact me for details. Let's try something different!
I look forward to hearing from you!
In love and light,
Wounded to WOW Coaching

For more on my perspective and approach to healing, read:
Writing saved my life (Journaling)
Excerpts from a client analysis
Here's what we'll do
We connect by phone for an initial consultation to see if this would be a good fit
We agree on a format, from the following:
Insight Session includes a handwriting analysis that highlights current strengths and challenges and a phone call (approximately one hour) to discuss the results of the analysis as it applies to specific concerns, questions, and possible actions.
Follow Up Sessions are (approximately) 30 minutes in length
You send sample(s) of your handwriting for analysis
We schedule our session(s)
Payment arrangements will be discussed in the initial consultation. The introductory fee schedule for this service:
$175 Insight Session
$125 Follow Up Session
Fees are subject to change
This is not intended as a replacement for therapy or medical treatment but as a compliment to your courage and readiness to confront issues and patterns that make you feel stuck. Through my experience, I hope to offer you a different perspective, one that will light the path ahead.
When you're ready, let's discuss the possibilities!