So you've been tagged! Obviously, you are awesome. Now it's your turn to tag someone else and keep that positive energy moving across the planet. Here are some ideas to help you choose that awesome woman (or women) in your life.
the mom, sister, grandmother, daughter, aunt, niece, cousin, friend who makes you laugh or offers helpful advice
the survivor for her endurance
the neighbor with a beautiful yard and an easy smile
the co-worker who is always willing to assist or simply makes work more pleasant
the teacher who listened when you needed it most or made the time to explain
the public figure that's making a difference
the worker in public service providing protection, education, safety, information...
the volunteer who makes life easier
the counselor, doctor, nurse, lawyer, trainer, manager, assistant...
the artist, the baker, the candlestick maker
the one with the idea, talent, skill, or plan who could really use a nudge to manifest
the one with a passion for justice, caregiving, parenting, mental health, exploration, discovery, harmony, cooperation...
Your words may be just the thing to make them pursue a dream, change a relationship, design a better system, or share an idea that just might make all the difference.
Go girl friends! Let's rock our world!
Best way: In person - face to face. 2nd: Phone call - ear to ear. 3rd: Handwritten note or letter. 4th: Text or email

In 1848, the first Women's Rights Convention was held in Seneca, New York, on July 19 and 20. About 300 people attended, about 40 of them were men.There were no telephones, cell phones, text messaging, or email. Communication was different then. Imagine what we can do now!