Gift Giving Ideas - Be An Inspiration!
Give a gift of inspiration!
Special Notice: This book is currently being revised and updated. Available 2023. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates or email me with your questions. Meanwhile, these ideas apply to my other products as well. They are all created to encourage and inspire!
Be An Inspiration! is based on the list of 101 Things You Can Do To Prevent Child Abuse and was the result of looking at prevention from a survivor and advocate's point of view. Their hopes and wishes are on everyone's wish list: a world where child abuse does not exist -- where people are appreciated, cherished, encouraged, and supported; a world that recognizes the fundamental value of its inhabitants in equality and perfection.
Whether it's to embrace you or someone you know in healing, to provide encouragement and ideas for parents or caregivers, or as an anonymous reminder for positive change, Be An Inspiration! is an excellent guide. Below you will find some ways you can give this inspiring book and share its uplifting message.
Also consider donating one or several copies to your local school or library. Not sure how to go about it? Contact them or contact us for ideas!

To an Individual or Organization
Special Gift Message:
Be An Inspiration! has been purchased as a special gift for you and includes a personal message: (your message inserted here).
Please limit your message to 150 characters including spaces. Your message will appear after the introductory statement above.
(Inspired 101 reserves the right to contact you and exclude messages it finds inappropriate.)
Sample messages
To an individual:
Thanks for being there when I needed you. When I read #69. Say thank you, I thought of you and wanted to say Thanks again!
You are doing wonderful work. Please accept this book as a special gift to your staff and as a resource for the people you serve.
This book is all about living with purpose and truly making a difference. I think you'll enjoy it, especially the category called: In your community.
You mentioned being so stressed out lately, I thought of you when I read #36. Take a break and #72. Make quality time for yourself.
To an organization:
Your organization is doing wonderful work. Please accept this book(s) as a special gift to your staff and as a resource for the people you serve.
Since you work with survivors / parents / familes, I thought you would appreciate the positive messages and resources in this book.
Your organization was there for me (or a family member or friend) whenI needed it most. Thanks again!
Corporate Giving
Give Be An Inspiration! as a gift to your staff to encourage, inform, and inspire. Everyone can benefit from the uplifting ideas, suggestions, and resources in this book. Contact me to discuss the possibilities!
Give Anonymously!
Special Gift Message: Be An Inspiration! was chosen especially for you and to be given anonymously.
If you have chosen a specific area to be flagged, the message above will include this addition: The section marked was by request from the giver.
This option is perfect if you don't want to be identified but feel the recipient would benefit from this book. Know that the intention in giving is to provide the receiver with an opportunity to learn.
Possible recipients:
Someone who hurt you as a child or as an adult
A parent you know is having a difficult time
A neighbor, survivor, coworker, supervisor, group leader, or organization
Someone you may have hurt and now want them to realize that you "get it."
Specify, if desired, one item or page to flag:
Example of pages/sections to be flagged:
5. Tell someone. Report suspected abuse. – to encourage someone to get help.
64. Honor your own boundaries. – for someone in an abusive relationship, or someone who needs encouragement to stand up for themselves
98. Be part of the solution. or the section: In your community – for a group leader or organization
Resources - for someone who wants to be more involved and is looking for ideas
Reaching Out/Counseling– to encourage someone to get support
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