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Motivational Speaker, Award-winning Author, Master Certified Graphoanalyst

Inspired 101 is the vehicle for much of my work, from books to videos to events. 

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About Debbie

I have always been fascinated with human behavior and potential. What makes people do the things they do? I know, now, that this interest - obsession, really - began as a way to understand what happened to me (see Where below.). It started with handwriting analysis, which laid a foundation for a better understanding of myself and others. Then there was writing. From journal writing to handwriting analysis columns (there were 3: two in print, one online; over 300 articles) to books (3 so far: Be An Inspiration! (New edition release Spring 2025!), If Roses Were Blue, Your Light, Your Life!), random thoughts, and my current newsletter — all my writing is intended to encourage, inform, and inspire. My work is influenced by:

  • Seven years as a court-appointed special advocate

  • Personal experience and study in trauma and healing

  • More than 40 years in the field of handwriting analysis (IGAS Master Certified)

  • Continuing interest in mind-body healing, metaphysics, energy medicine, Women in Ancient History, and (what I refer to as) Native American and Hawaiian spirituality


Everyone needs encouragement now and then and you'll find lots of that in these pages. But, I also believe it's time to change the dialog around child abuse, recovery, and prevention. When we empower survivors, we empower the world! Yes, there is a time for remembering, reconciling, and releasing the pain of trauma, but there also comes a time to move forward. Survivors need to know how. We all need ideas, examples, and role modeling for positive behavior, believing in our unlimited potential (truly!), and returning to our authentic selves. It's time to shift our focus from what we don't want to all that we can be — as individuals, a community, a world in harmony. Imagine the possibilities! This includes learning more about women's roles and influence from the dawn of time to now. Much has been excluded, ignored, or misinterpreted. It's time for women to rise and be authentic. That will usher in an age of equality, harmony, and fulfillment.


Where does this come from? I was a victim of child sexual abuse. Some of my story is heart-breaking but it's the insights, discoveries, and perspective gained from my recovery and since that will enlighten, motivate, and inspire you to action.

It's a new and positive perspective, so have a look around! Contact me with your questions, comments, and ideas. I'd love to hear from you! 

In love and light,

Debbie Jenae

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